imc Whistleblower System
The imc places utmost importance on the implementation of effective compliance. A key component of this effort is the development and maintenance of a corporate culture that not only allows but actively encourages the disclosure and addressing of unlawful activities. Early detection of legal violations is crucial to take immediate countermeasures, which in turn prevents potential harm to involved parties, employees, business partners, customers, the company itself, and third parties.
In this context, we have established an internal reporting office in accordance with § 12 of the Whistleblower Protection Act (hereinafter referred to as “HinSchG”), operated via an ISO 27001 certified whistleblower system. This system allows for the reporting of all kinds of misconduct and irregularities, either anonymously or openly, without fear of reprisal.
Everyone is entitled to submit reports, whether they are current or former employees, business partners, or external individuals. The portal can be accessed at the following address: https://im-c.hinweisgeberschutzsystem.de/
Reports can be submitted through a secure portal accessible from the internet and various devices such as mobile phones, PCs, and tablets.
We guarantee compliance with all data protection regulations, information security, and the confidentiality requirements of the Whistleblower Protection Act.
If you have been affected by a violation, or in your role as an employee, business partner, customer, or in another capacity, have observed potential violations, you can report your observations through our reporting portal https://im-c.hinweisgeberschutzsystem.de/ .
If you wish to report violations in the following areas, our internal reporting office is at your disposal:
- Violations of criminal laws
- Violations subject to fines, provided the infringed regulation protects life, health, or the rights of employees or their representative bodies, e.g., regulations regarding:
- Occupational safety
- Health protection
- Minimum wage
- Employee leasing
- Other violations of federal and state legal provisions and directly applicable legal acts of the European Union, e.g.,
- Money laundering
- Terrorism financing
- Product safety and conformity
- Environmental protection
- Consumer protection regulations
- Violations of IT security and data protection regulations
- Violations of procurement laws
- Violations of tax laws for corporations and partnerships
Please note that the reporting individual loses protection if they intentionally or grossly negligently transmit incorrect information. In such cases, the reporting individual is liable for any damage caused by the intentional or grossly negligent submission or disclosure of false information. (Reports intended to annoy someone or knowingly false are to be refrained from. It is explicitly pointed out that intentional or grossly negligent false reports are punishable by law.)
Only the whistleblower protection officer receives the report through the whistleblower system and is permitted to open it.
The whistleblower protection officer documents the report and examines it.
If the identity of the whistleblower is known, they will receive an acknowledgment of receipt within 7 days. Within 3 months, they will receive feedback on the outcome of the examination.
Upon completion of the process, the documentation will be deleted in accordance with data protection regulations.
During the reporting process, depending on the nature of the report and its processing, personal data may be processed. Information on data protection in connection with our reporting office can be found at the following link: Data protection notice.