How imc Express works
Create dymamic E-Learning Content in just a few clicks
Create your own elearning content in minutes by following the steps below or get in touch with one of our experts.

Start a new project from scratch or drag and drop existing content (e.g. MS Word docs).

Built-in AI will instantly automate design and layout and produce speech audio

Add learner interactivity (Hot spots, flip cards, swipe cards, quizzes etc.)

You can even create content from scratch with the AI Content generator.

Collaborate with your team

Automatic localisation and translation (70+ languages)

Publish and let your learners enjoy!
Time is money. imc Express saves us money because it doesn't require a learning curve and it streamlines the creation of e-learning content.
Jasmin Gargano
Human Resources IT & Processes
Hansgrohe SE
With imc Express, content can be created quickly and easily using AI
Mario Kopic
Specialist digital learning
imc Express is the single most impressive user generated content platform I have seen ever.
Nick Matheson-Smith
Five NZ
imc Express allows you to get training content in your learner’s hands fast. Not in a matter of months or weeks, but hours.
Mikkel Hansen
CEO & Co-founder
With imc Express we can create animated learning content easily and quickly from a PowerPoint presentation.
Sanitas Management AG
It enables any IT-savvy employee to quickly create varied and interactive e-learnings.
BAWAG Insurance AG
Our trainers can generate learning content without extensive training or prior knowledge. It is intuitive and fast.
MODAL Company for Business-Oriented Education and Management GmbH
imc Express is the ideal tool to easily transform written content into digital learning units. It's simple and straightforward. Ltd.
Let's Build Your E-Learning Success Story
Contact us now and start crafting engaging courses with imc Express!
This tool is 3 to 4 times quicker to create learning content than the market leaders.
Learning Light