Meet the Executive Board
The Executive Board – as the management body of imc AG – manages the company’s business and is bound by the company’s interests and business policy principles as well as by the stipulations of the Stock Corporation Act. It regularly and quickly reports to the Supervisory Board in depth on all material business development issues, the corporate strategy and potential risks.

Christian Wachter
Christian Wachter is the Board Spokesman of imc AG, and responsible for product strategy and innovation, consulting and customer services. He also manages the Finance division and the company’s administrative divisions. Before assuming this role, Christian Wachter worked at imc as Vice President Sales and became authorised signatory for the company in 2002. As a Consultant for numerous international companies, he helped clients improve their professional development concept by introducing learning management systems. Before joining the company, Christian Wachter worked as research assistant at the Institute for Information Systems (IWi) managed by Professor August-Wilhelm Scheer at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH (DFKI) of Saarland University.

Sven R. Becker
Sven R. Becker was appointed to the Executive Board of imc AG in January 2019 after many years of service for the company. In 2007, he kickstarted his career with a student job in Marketing. He then focused on UX design/new products in his content and product development role. In 2011, he decided to transfer to Sales, where he assumed a management role from 2016 and became Head of Sales in 2017. During his studies at Saarland University, Sven R. Becker intensively worked on e-learning, usability and UX design. He particularly cares about the corporate values of creativity and courage for innovation, as well as the targeted development of the workforce. Becker is responsible for the Marketing & Communication, Sales (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) and Content Services divisions.

Dr. Wolfram Jost
Dr. Wolfram Jost has been a member of the imc AG Executive Board since April 2019. Wolfram Jost started his career with IDS Scheer GmbH in 1992. In August 2000, he was appointed to the Executive Board of IDS Scheer AG and held responsibility for the Technology division. In this period, he mainly dealt with business process management, process discovery and process-driven SAP implementation. When IDS Scheer AG was taken over by Software AG in 2009, he was transferred to the Darmstadt software firm. In August 2010, he was appointed to its Executive Board and equally held responsibility for the Technology division. While at Software AG, he delved into digital development platforms (PaaS, digital business platforms). His particular focus was on API management, Internet of Things (IoT), application development, application integration and business transformation. He has a special interest in customer obsession.
Supervisory Board
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. August-Wilhelm Scheer
Rosemarie Clarner
Mentoring for entrepreneurship, leadership, and innovation
imc is part of the Scheer Network. The idea and initiative to develop this outstanding Network come from the entrepreneurial success of the internationally renowned academic Prof. August-Wilhelm Scheer. He founded the business network of innovative IT companies in the fields of process automation, digital learning as well as a non-profit research institute, which he supports as a committed trend-setter and mentor. He assists established businesses in the network on their growth journey and advises young companies on how to successfully expand their business models.

Prof. Dr. August-Wilhelm Scheer, Founder imc and Chairman of the Supervisory Board.