Living the dream as Hosting Engineer: career start with determination and plenty of high spirits
Even as a child, she dissambled computers and was curious to learn exactly how they worked. For Suwhathi Sutheswaran it was always clear that she would take up a technical profession. In the Job Slot interview, she reveals how she became a hosting engineer at imc and what she thinks of the supposed male domains in IT.

Suwhathi Sutheswaran
Job | Hosting Engineer
Working in | Saarbrücken, Germany
Worked at imc since | 2021
Super power | Determined, willing to learn & cheerful
Favourite food | Dad’s home-made Indian food

Hello Suwhathi! First of all, welcome at imc. You only joined us a few months ago. Did you get off to a good start?
Thank you. Yes, my initial experiences were great. All my colleagues are extremely nice, and I’m thrilled about the welcome they offered. That was particularly exciting for me, because this is my first graduate job.
How did you hear about imc?
During my studies in Communications Technology, I sought advice on various jobs and graduate opportunities. I was unsure what exact role would suit me, as I take a fairly broad approach and have many interests. Even after completing some internships and holding various part-time jobs, I had still not quite figured out, which direction I should take.
My career advisor suggested I look at business consultancy, and I originally applied for that field with imc. My interview was very encouraging, and I was very much able to see myself in that role.
But then things took a different turn. It was quite funny. HR not only looked at the Consulting vacancy, but also at a position in Hosting. Since I have a sound base of technical know-how, they asked if I could also imagine taking on that role. I thought that was a really exciting idea. Soon after, I interviewed for that position with Matthias Fay, the Head of Hosting and now my manager. Again, it just felt right.
So, I was left to choose between Consulting and Hosting. The decision was not easy, but in the end, I went for the Hosting team – and I’m really happy there.

What exactly do you do as a Hosting Engineer?
In very simple terms, hosting means providing webservices on the internet. In our case, that is our customers’ learning management systems. For the greatest part, these are hosted in AWS or Azure Cloud.
As Hosting Engineers, we are responsible for installing and monitoring these systems, make adjustments for changes and deliver software updates. We also carry out maintenance and ensure that all systems are up to date.
Other key aspects are database management and backups. It is always worth having a backup in case something crashes. It’s very much the same as with a personal computer. Right now, we are very focused on simplifying certain processes. Many tasks are still performed manually, and we aim to automate them, so they can simply run in the background.
What do you like best about your work?
I really like how versatile the job is, but also love how the different departments collaborate. For example, we are working closely with Support and Business Consulting. That allows you to gain a much wider range of insights, and I find that very exciting.
I also truly appreciate my colleagues making a great deal of time for me. Given that I’m just starting out in my career, I have to learn most things from scratch. Here, everyone supports me and really gives me a chance to grow into the projects and my responsibilities. That sort of development and encouragement is not something I take for granted. However, I want to do the job and I want to learn, and I think my colleagues know and honour that.

What skills are particularly important in your job?
Naturally, an interest and a good understanding of technical matters are key. On top of that, it is important to focus on solutions, take responsibility, be diligent and stay focused. After all, we interact with sensitive client systems and data, and they need to be handled with great care.
I believe willingness to learn is a vital aspect, since the technology is always changing. That is something to always keep in mind – You never stop learning, you have to keep at it. Of course, team spirit and good communication skills are hugely important, but that applies to most jobs.
On a scale of 1-10, how well did your vocational training prepare you for your current role?
Well, I have to say, my degree in Communications Technology alone was not really enough. I did some additional courses on the side to feel more prepared while also boosting my prospects on the job market. Together, that probably adds up to a five.

Now, a few random questions going beyond your work itself: What are you looking forward to each day the most?
My fiancé lives in Paris, and we mostly speak on the phone after work. That always gives me lots of energy when I’m tired at the end of my work day. It also helps me wind down in the evening.

Please complete this sentence: To me, digitalisation means ...
Above all, flexibility. Our hybrid and flexible work model lets me choose whether I want to work from home or come into the office. That is very convenient.
What did you want to be as a kid and why?
I always knew I wanted to do something technical. As a kid, I was always tinkering with old monitors and computers. I desperately wanted to know what they look like on the inside, and how everything works. That made a degree in that field an obvious choice.
What is your favourite movie?
I really like all types of movies, from action through romance to comedy.
Who do you look up to in your professional or personal life?
Back in my university days, I watched the anime series One Piece. It very much appealed to me. It’s about a boy called Luffy who is travelling the world in his search for a treasure that is said to be impossible to find. Yet, he never gives up. It really inspired me, and I could somewhat identify with that: I am also very determined and ambitious, and I never give up. I doubt I would have come this far without those traits.
Apart from that, women in IT always inspire me. You often hear that women are still an exception in this sector, or even that IT and women are different worlds. That view couldn’t be further from the truth. While I think we have a long way to go, a few inspirational women have already achieved a lot.
Final question: Which country are you most keen to visit?
I definitely want to go to the USA, Australia, Singapore and Southern Europe.
Thank you very much Suwhathi and all the best for your future career!

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