Lufthansa aviation training soars with blended learning

Taking off safely with LMS and
blended learning

Lufthansa Aviation Training (LAT) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lufthansa AG, providing training and development for flying personnel in a global market since 1997. In addition to the flight operations of the Lufthansa Group, more than 200 other airlines also have their crews trained by LAT.
The product portfolio includes basic training of pilots and flight attendants, flight simulator training, emergency and service training.
Highly flexible training content
Lufthansa Aviation Training (LAT) upholds the highest quality standards for pilots and flight attendants. To achieve this mission, the company applies proven didactic concepts, extensive experience, and state-of-the-art learning technologies. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Lufthansa Group, LAT pioneered the use of elearning for training and development, adopting multimedia web-based and computer-based training courses as early as the 1990s and shifting from face-to-face events to online formats.
“Our training business is highly volatile. When a client acquires new aircraft, defines new learning content, or increases the number of flight attendants, we must adapt immediately,” explains Udo Link, E-Learning Team Leader at LAT. LAT recognised that its existing solutions were insufficient, prompting the need for a modern, consistent professional development platform capable of delivering immediate, scalable training.

An LMS for blended learning
LAT easily chose imc as their LMS vendor because the imc Learning Suite had already proven highly successful at the headquarters of the Lufthansa Group.
LAT selected the cloud-based version of the multiple award-winning imc Learning Suite, the LMS developed by imc. Partnering with Microsoft, imc provides an instantly available and easily scalable LMS solution as Software as a Service. This system enables LAT to respond flexibly to real-time changes in both the number of trainees and the learning content. It also seamlessly integrates online training with face-to-face training.
For example, LAT requires future flight attendants to complete a two-day online training course before attending their first face-to-face session. This approach ensures that all participants are well-prepared and possess the same level of knowledge. The Learning Suite supports a uniform and consistent blended learning approach while significantly reducing administrative costs.

Flexibility and motivating learners
After completing a test phase, LAT transitioned the entire curriculum for flight attendant training to the blended learning concept using the Learning Suite. LAT primarily relied on LMS-based elearning to provide trainee flight attendants with easy access to learning content at any time and from anywhere.
The Lufthansa training centre also prioritised the ability to implement changes and adaptations quickly. LAT maximises the full range of imc's comprehensive learning technology, going far beyond the basic LMS functions such as providing multimedia learning content, managing participants, and supporting tutors.
LAT strongly believes that highly motivated learners achieve better results and actively promotes this belief. For instance, trainees can chat directly with a tutor in the chatroom using mediated chats. For learning content that requires documentation by the Federal Aviation Office (LBA), LAT administers mandatory tests and issues certificates to participants who pass.

Looking for an LMS for blended learning?
If you are looking for your next enterprise LMS to facilitate blended learning, get in touch with our experts.